Asked by ben from Philippines | Mar. 02, 2014 06:42
About:Hong Kong Travel


Hi, need some help on the fastest way to reach shenzhen from HKIA. can you recommend any hotels in shenzhen? we plan to stay there for 3 nights and will want to hire a driver to take as around to shenzhen to visit factories and suppliers.. we also plan to go to guangzhou for a day to again visit factories and suppliers.. what is the best way to use from shenzhen to guangzhou and back to shenzhen..

would appreciate any help.. thanks

Answers (3)
Answered by Emma from USA | Mar. 02, 2014 23:52
For hotels in SZ, what is your budget and what district do you want to live? If you can tell me more your requirements, I can help you to find the suitable places to live.
If you want to find the low price ones, I think the local Home Inn, Hanting Hotel or 7 Days Inn are suggested.
From HK airport, there are direct shuttle buses to reach any district in SZ, so you can choose one of them by your hotel's position in SZ.
From SZ to GZ, the bullet trains are very convenient. You can take the bullet trains from SZ North Railway Station or SZ Railway Station to reach GZ and vice versa.
Answered by ben from philippines | Mar. 03, 2014 09:15
thank you for the reply emma..

we have booked our hotel already in shenzhen for 3 nights...

from HKIA are there any trains that would take me to SZ railway station? and would i need to book the ticket in advance?

also can you recommend any car rental with an english speaking driver in shenzhen as well as in gaungzhou?

thanks again.
Answered by Emma from USA | Mar. 03, 2014 23:59
From HKIA, there is no train to SZ Railway Station. The two cities are connected on land and you can use the subways to SZ Railway Station.
If you want to use the subway trains, you need to go to the Hung Hom Station to take the East Rail Line. To Hung Hom from HKIA, you can use the local public bus line A21. You can take the East Rail Line to reach Lo Wu Station. Then you can pass the Luo Hu border to reach SZ and you can see the SZ Railway Station after you get out of the border.
The subway train ticket is not need to book in advance.

I am not very clear about car renting service in the two places, because I always use the local public transportation. I only know a car renting company called Ehi Car Service. Maybe you can contact them to ask whether they can provide you such kind of service.
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