Guangzhou products
I am a merchant and i am travelling to the city next January i want to buy huge quantities of shoes, bags and leather goods and get them exported to my country so i want to ask few questions.
1- i want to know the best places where i can buy the best and cheapest fashionable shoes and bags?
2- i heard few rumors that say the it's better to buy straight from the factuires instead of the showrooms because factories are cheaper than showrooms, also because showrooms wont tell me about the factories so is that true or false?
3- if rumors are true then where are the places where i can find factories producing leather goods like shoes and bags?
4- where is the cheapest place where i can stay at during my business travel in GZ near the markets and the shopping places?
5- what are the shopping tips and advises that you would recommend and tell to a foreigner shopping and buying products?
Thank You