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Asked by Gie from usa | May. 28, 2013 03:25
About:Chinese Calendar

my birthday is 4/4/1988 and my fiance/bf is 31/7/1985 will we get married and have a happy life?

we been together for 5 years and our relationship has been a rollercoaster, this month has been crazy from the start, too many traumatic things has happened, and I just want to know if we are meant to be together at this point.

Answers (3)
Answered by Jeremy | May. 28, 2013 04:53
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Actually, you can be a good match. Maybe just because you have spent such a long time, both of you feel a little bored. But that will not be a problem. Therefore, I suggest you be more toleratent and considerate when some arguments or something like this hapen. By dling so, you will get through and reach a bright future. Don't feel frustrated!
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Answered by P Dub | May. 30, 2013 04:34
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You may be going through tough times right now that is because both of your numbers total life path 7. You are soulmates!! Your numbers both total to 7, so with the little space on numbers 4, 4, and then 1988 totally 8, are one loyal, and good hearted person! If you think about it, that's a lot of 4's # of angels. You are very organized, and probably always on time. You like executive type of work, but...being a #7, you are considered a scholar, both of you love education, reading, maybe travelling, but must be near water, travel where there is water, maybe live by water. Seven's can be very dramatic numbers, so that's probably where you can butt heads.

As for your fiance/bf, he also has a 4 (3+1=4), once again loyal to friends and family, probably a bit organized and scheduled, but he's born on the 7, which onces again, loves his alone time, to think, read, and accomplish his goals. as for the 1985, it totals 5, which is communication, fun, but can be a little scattered with his energy and thoughts. You are an Aries and he is a, 2 fire signs, very dramatic, at the same, I can imagine your conversations, pretty deep! July 31, are stubborn and all about themselves sometimes which can be tough, but at the same, have a great heart. They may feel distant at times, but does not mean they don't care. The same goes with Aries. You both like your own time and space sometimes, so maybe that's all you both need at this time instead of panicing and wondering if you last. Five years in this day'n age is a long, and wonderful time. Be kind to one another, don't be afraid and just give each other your space...things will be fine if you don't allow the little petty, dramatic stuff get to you. Hope this helps! I've studied this stuff for over 25yrs...hope I'm somewhat right. Of course, we can get deeper into but there's not enough space on this...good luck! :)
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Answered by Gie | Jun. 04, 2013 08:53
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Thanks for your reply you are on point with basically everything. You did very well. i was actually surprise when iI read this. we live close to the ocean, we do butt heads, we are very dramatic, we are very family oriented and loved them so much and we do love our alone time and yes he is stubborn. our convo do get very deep, he has a great heart so do I. Thanks to this :)
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