Answered by P Dub
May. 30, 2013 04:49
Hi Silvana, I have studied numerology, palm reading and other for over 25yrs, so I hope I can help a little. Your birthday is 10/3/1962, so I will break down slowly...your #10 actually totals to 1, which makes you an innovator, leader, go-getter and can do anything you put your mind to. Your #3, is a creative #, a communicator, natural born promoter and very deep! As for 1962, that totals to #9, which is the number of entertainment, brotherhood, helping others etc. Your total number is 4! You are loyal, kind, organized and usually on time for things kind of person. You may even like schedules instead of being more free spirited. Being born as a March Pisces, makes you kind of a sweetheart! Be careful, that's when your kindness gets taken for granted! You may even be a bit of a pushover. Don't allow people to take advantage of your kindness.
Will you find your soulmate...well, one big thing I've learned is if you ask for a soulmate in this lifetime, you will get everyman that will come and teach you the lessons in life that you don't always want. What God says (not to get all religious on you), is ask for you life partner for this lifetime, so pray on that. Pray for your "life partner for this lifetime," not for your next lives or past lives...I know this sounds strange, but I promise you, it works! Good luck to you, and hope this helps..oohh and the best mate for you would be someone who is a Earth sign, Virgo, Capricorn or Taurus. Fellow water signs make good friends and mates sometimes too. Taurus or Cap are the ideal...hope this helps!