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Asked by fabiola from USA | Dec. 08, 2012 22:16
About:Shenzhen Travel

i would like to go to Shenzhen to shop they told me is cheaper than beijing?

also they told me about Guangzhou i want to know which one is better to buy electronics, clothes, etc...
also from HK how do i get to this places how do i ask people where i want to go, how long is the trip from HK to either SZ or Guangzhou where do i book my hotel?

Answers (1)
Answered by Danielle | Dec. 09, 2012 00:34
Yeah, the electronics in SZ are much cheaper. Actually, SZ is a better choice to get electronics and Guangzhou's clothes are more economical and better. However, you can find electronics and clothes in either of the cities.
You can go to Hung Hom to take East Rail Line to Lo Wu and then cross the immigration border to Luohu, SZ city. If you wanna go to Guangzhou, you can also catch a train at Hong Hum there. Or go to Mong Kok or Jordan Road to take the direct cross-border coatch to Guangzhou.
May help!

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