I will be visiting China in June, to marry. I can only be there two weeks.
From what I read, this is enough time, given that documentation is in order.
In order to avoid any complications, I need to ask a few questions:
1. Is there a "Intent to marry" application form to fill out before I leave? As this site states: "4. You commence the application in your home country: you can take any required documents to the consulate where you apply for your visa". I cannot find where this application form is, either on the Rio consulate site, or Canadian site. I am Canadian living in Brasil, and will be applying for my visa shortly. I would like to know if I need to submit this application at the same time?
Since I will be applying for my visa at the Consulate in Rio de Janeiro, I need to know which documents I need to send them, or exactly what to do.
2. Normally, how long does it take to have documents (birth, and divorce certificate, etc.) translated in China?
Please Advise.