My family and I will visit Hong Kong for the 1st time on Sept. 2011. We are 5 adult and 1 child, We plan to stay at City Econo Guest House 5-6/F Cumberland house 227 Nathan Road or 38 Pilkem Street Jordan - Kowloon Hong Kong. ( Is this a good and safe place to stay? ) I want to know the transportation (specialy by bus or train) of this point to point:
1. Airport to City Econo Guest House
2. Econo Guest House to Ocean Park
3. Econo Guest House to Disneyland
4. Econo Guest House to avenue of stars
5. Econo Guest House to airport
we only have 3 days and 2 nights stay, we leave Hong Kong at around 5 P.M. of Sept. 6, 2011 . Our temporary itinerary for this short visit is as follows:
Day 1
Airport to Hotel
Hotel to Ocean Park
Day 2
Hotel to Disneyland
Day 3
Budget shopping on side streets ( any suggestions )
Avenue of stars ( if possible )
My itinerary are very very Flexible, suggestions for additional places to be visited will be very much appreciated in order to maximize our time.
Sight seeing is our main objective ( Example: Harbour view, The peak, Avenue of Star, etc. ) My family also likes to eat dimsums noodles etc, but we prefer low cost since our budget is very minimal suggestions are higly welcome.
Is it advisable to purchase octupus card? or just use the regular ticket