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Asked by Mr.Tom from USA | Feb. 23, 2011 01:15
About:Hong Kong MTR

We will be arriving in HK at 7 pm, May 6, 2011 and leaving on May, 12, 2011. We are planning to use the VIGOR to the Cosmo Hotel. Can you explain the Octopus Card and should we get one and how does it work? What is the rate for senior? We also plan to go to Disneyland and use the Tram. What do we need to know? Can your explain the MTR Tourist Value Pack?

Thanks for your help!

Answers (1)
Answered by Ms.KATRINA | Feb. 23, 2011 02:35
Hi, you can try to get an On-Loan Octopus Card at the airport. It is benefit for your travelling in Hong Kong. In Hong Kong, Octopus can be used on transportation, retailing stores, parking, self-service, leisure facilities and access control and other places like some hospitals and schools displaying the Octopus logo. The senior card is only available for local HK senior people. For detailed information about the octopus card, you can read the content on this webpage:

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