Thanks Mr.Jamie for your advise.
Maybe I did not make myself clear enough, sorry for the troubles.
1) I fly from Singapore to Guangzhou. I have to change planes to Zhanjiang.
2) So, while, waiting to connect to Zhanjiang, where in the waiting area can I buy
duty free wines before boarding fight to Zhanjiang.
3) Or do I have to buy duty free upon arrival in Guangzhou? Then take the shuttle to
domestic dept hall.
The reason for my asking is because, the connecting times is very limited and I have to rush to connect flights. If there is an area in the domestic dept hall that sells duty free wines, it would save me a lot of hassles.
You said that for domestic flights no duty free is permitted.
Does that mean duty free wines will not be permitted on the flight from Guangzhou to Zhanjiang?
Thanks again for the advise.