hello i like this website and sine i alnning to visit shanghai this week i took many worth information from here and all my friend who well visit shanghai next january i stronly suggest to visit this web site. thank you...
my quastion maybe its headic bu am sure there are many people help me here so thank you in advance.
Q1. how much the taxi take if i took it from pudong airport to zhongshan road west (galaxy hotel)
Q2. how much the taxi take if i took it from zhongshan road west to INTEX
Q3.how much the taxi take if i took it from zhongshan road west to peoples square
Q4.how much the taxi take if i took it from zhongshan road west to since and tecnology line 2 metro station.
Q5. how much the taxi take if i took it from zhongshan road west to hongqiao airport termenal 2