Asked by Mr.Tanapong from Thailand | Oct. 28, 2010 23:49

About:Guangzhou Transportation
My hotel is near Guangzhou East.Railway station.
The plan is to visit Zhanquian Lu(wholesale fasion market) in the morning(9.30am).
Then go back to Guangzhou East.Railway and go to Shenzhen airport(boarding time is 11.20pm)
1. Is it too ealy for whole sale shopping area at 9.30am?
2. Where can I check the most accuracy schedule of the train(Guangzhou East.> Shenzhen st.)and the airport bus(Shenzhen st.> Shenzhen airport)?
3. Totally if I set 5 hr.leaving Guangzhou before boarding time. Is it safe enough?
4. Can I buy the Guangzhou East.> Shenzhen st. ticket 1 day before?
Thank you.