Answered by Mr.Jason | Oct. 14, 2010 01:02
While taking about the dynasties in China, poeple think Qin, Han, Tang are widely regarded as creative era. Many achievements made at that periods. While Ming, most people will talk about its rigorous punishment and spy-like organ to monitor officers, talk about fatuous emperors. Yes, not like other dynasties, there were few great rulers in Ming. Zhu Yuanzhang, who established Ming should be the most well-known figure. There is a popular saying in history now that those impression on Ming is not objective. In fact, Ming has many achievement and creation that are advance than any other dynasties. As limited knowledge I know, I can only list some examples:
In palitics: Ming set up advisory cabinet system to avoid autarchy of Zai Xiang, like present prime minister. Zhu Yuanzhang establish JIn Yi Wei, a guard and security agent, help investigate illegal official and punish them. Similar organ called Dong Chang was established by Emperior Zhu Di. They play active function, but fatuous emperors after them didn't take good use of them.
In culture: equal temperament was discovered and recorded in Ming, over a hundred years earlier than the west
In trade and industry: the ever big ship was built and emperors sent seven maritime expeditions probing down into the South Seas and across the Indian Ocean. Forbidden City was built in Ming Dynasty.
In weapon: Duth cannons were introduced from the western. Ming is an open period than the Qing Dynasty.