I would like to ask since we are arriving 1:00 a.m. is it possible to just stay in the airport arrival area until 5:00 a.m.?? to wait for the sun to rise before going to our hotel?
Because our hotel's booking allow us to check-in at 12noon.
(This is my plan, after spending time at the airport from 1:00am-5:00am, By the time we will arrive in the hotel at 6-7a.m. we will just advise the reception to check-in us by 12noon. So, while waiting for the 12noon check-in we wanted to take the chance to start immediately our tour. we will just leave our bags at the reception area of the hotel)...
So, is it possible to wait and sleep at hongkong airport arrival area from 1:00a.m. to 5:00a.m.??
Hoping to hear replies from the above queries... please help i need answer.. thank u very much...