HI everyone just moved to the East side of Chengdu and feeling very much culture shocked but thanks to modern technology I am hoping for some friendly advice on the following:
How much does the average monthly utilities bill come to including gas, water, electricity etc as I may be consuming more than I can afford to so an average figure in RMB would be great. I live in the East side either the third ring road or second and the Kempinksi hotel is about a 7 minute taxi ride from my work (30 minute walk I have been told) if I were to buy a bicycle is it easier to travel around the city to places of interest or just to meet people such as the infamous Bookworm.
I have been here for just over 3 weeks and do not know a soul here and have not met anyone to hang out with yet so just trying to get advice/suggestions on where to go and how to get there as I don’t speak Chinese and many people here don’t speak English so bit of a barrier there. My main thing is getting a cycle how much would one roughly cost and is it worth getting to travel around Chengdu as the city seems huge and I live in this small area where there is work, home and the supermarket. I would really appreciate your thoughts as being a new comer to the city is hard but so far I love China and just want to make the most of my experience here thanks everyone.
Miss Delmonti