Why have you stopped posting hard-sleeper fares? Your hard-seat fares seem to represent the price of hard sleeper, and hard seat is not represented. For example, I recently traveled from Beijing to Shanghai hard-seat, which cost 179 kuai, and returned from Shanghai to Beijing hard sleeper, which cost 327 kuai. Your listings show only soft sleeper at 499 kuai, soft seat at 409 kuai, and hard seat at 327 kuai. I took the T104/103 train. Is this connected to the fact that you now book train tickets and are showing only tickets that you yourself have/are able to purchase, or that you're trying to get the most money possible?
At any rate I used to rely on your website as a source of true information on fares and schedules, and while I still refer to it for schedules I now cannot trust your prices. I can no longer recommend your website to my friends who are traveling in China.
Please change back to your old system, it was much better.