Asked by Mr.Mike from USA | May. 26, 2010 02:06
About:Jinshanling Great Wall

I have hiked from Jinshanling to Simatai quite a few times. As of september 2009, the wall has been repaired and no longer looks like some of the photos you'll see on the internet. In 2008 it was gorgeous because it hadn't been restored. I saw the workers repair it and it looks like it was just built.
A lot of you will be disappointed maybe but the trek is fun and much better than other touristy sections. However don't expect to see crumbling sections if you go now.

Answers (5)
Answered by Ms.Bella | May. 30, 2010 04:42
Would you please tell to which tower tourists can reach at Simatai and what about the cable car? Will it be safe for kids? Thanks a lot!
Answered by Mr.Mike from USA | Jun. 05, 2010 10:09
Ms. Bella,

I'm not sure to which tower you can climb to. I know the end is still blocked for safety reasons so don't expect to go to the end of Simatai.
The cable car is fine and will make the trip a lot easier since Simatai is so steep. I'd say it's safe but beware your children might get tired depending upon their age.
Answered by Mr.arkady from Australia | Sep. 29, 2010 17:39
hi, i would like to ask - what direction of the walk offers least amount of uphill climbing. my preference is for walking downhill due to back problems. thank you
Answered by Mr.Chu from United Arab Emirates | Apr. 04, 2011 05:54
I just hiked Jinshanling an hour ago and it does look like the pictures. You just need to go further out to see the crumbling parts. If you go up the cable car and go left you can go as far as 17-18 towers. Then the two guards will stop you. Some portions are best traveled parallel to the wall. You will see once you get there.
Answered by Mr.Andrew from UK | Apr. 16, 2011 23:24
Many parts are minimally repaired and some un-repaired so its still pretty much like the internet pics. Just did it from Jinshaling to East Tower this week. Did it a few times before and each year its being gradually restored but still one of the best 5 hours you could spend (starting from i hour south of the cable car at Jinshaling and not going up by the cable car).
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