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Asked by Ms.Tanya from Japan | Apr. 05, 2010 12:26
About:Shopping in Shenzhen


I have to go to HK for 2 weeks .I am interested in buying alot of good quality FAKE bags,watches,shoes,clothes,fashion accessories of brands such LV,Gucci, Prada, Chanel etc.Is Shenzhen the best place for buying fakes in China? and if so then where in Shenzhen and any hotel recommedations?

Also, where can I buy good quality clothing - mens office wear,womens fashion wear etc

Any help will be appreciated.


Answers (1)
Answered by Mr.ALIMUSLIM from China | Apr. 09, 2010 07:13
Why don’t you come go to Shenzhen to buy them? It takes 72 minutes to get to Guangzhou by train and it costs you 75 RMB.
Now, it comes to the clothes, there are some large and well known clothing factories in Guangdong provinces, Most of them are located in the cities such as Guangzhou, Huizhou, Foshan, Meizhou and Dongguan .I have visited some of them with foreigners before.
There are so many clothing wholesales markets in Guangzhou, I suggest you to come to Guangzhou and see the every thing by yourself, I do believe that you can find them all.
You can buy the bags at the Baiyun international genuine leather market or in the Shiling international genuine leather market.
There is a large wholesales market for watches right behind the Guangzhou railway station.
Good luck!

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