First let me point out that this forum is wonderful, with great information
I am coming to Guangzhou in April and I will be staying at the Elan Hotel on Zhanqian Road.
I want to buy the following items and would appreciate any tips on where to get them with good price, preferably close to my hotel, but not necessarily. I am buying all in small quantity - retail. I would also appreciate any info on how cheap (if it is worth buying them) are these products in Guangzhou. They don’t have to be the newest (new season) items.
1. Authentic Armani/Prada Sunglasses
2. Mens quality shoes
3. Mens quality underwear Authentic (Calvin Klein, Armani)/ underwear T Shirts
4. Brand shirts
5. Quality light sweaters – Armani, AX, etc ...
6. Small samsonite suitcase
7. Sony Camcorder
8. Brand Notebook
9. Small electronic – MP3 player
10. Really good replica watch
Thanks a lot – Xixi