Asked by Mr.Doug from America | Feb. 19, 2010 07:33

About:Beijing Travel Tips
I am coming to visit Beijing around the 6 or 7th of April and will be staying 5 nights. I could use some advise on a nice 4 to 5 star hotel that would be somewhere in the party district, pubs and such. What is the best party district? Also, during the day I would like to visit many of the attractions Beijing has to offer, Great Wall, etc. and would like information on whom I may contatc for a personal tour guide. Preferably a young female (as I myself am a rather young man and want someone who may share the same intersests as me)who speaks good english and knows how to get around to show me the areas. Basicilly a smart, pretty girl to hang out with me but I know I have to pay them for their time and knowledge. Please advise me if you can.