Asked by Mr.jimmy from phil | Nov. 26, 2009 05:22
About:Getting to Harbin

if I fly to Harbin Directly on january or feb 2010, can i see the ice and snow festival without joining a local tour and will I have problem going back to my hotel late at night after seeing the ice festival? what hotel area is the best place to stay to be able to go to the ice festival conveniently. or any suggestion on what is the best way to go to the ice festival

Answers (1)
Answered by Mr.Jamie | Nov. 26, 2009 20:44
Yes, you don't have to join in a group. These sculptures of the festival will be shown in the parks of Harbin and the Ice and Snow World. You could get the details at:

Even at late night, you could take a taxi to back to hotel easily. Well, it is suggested you book a hotel around the city center, from where you could reach other parts of Harbin easily.
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