I lostRMB2,000.00 in hard cash either from my room B407 November 7 in Wuzhou Guest House,Shenzhen or at the Mcdonalds line up on Dongmen Commercial Street or in the taxi ride. I know it wasnt the taxi but maybe the Mcdonalds or the hotel as it was crowded at Mcdonalds and lots of people pushing past. I have read before going that Shenzhen is world famous for pickpockets--specially young girls.I cannot find email/fax numbers for Shenzhen Police Headquarters nor Tourism Managemnt office in Shenzhen. I complained to the hotel general manager,wrote to SHENZHEN NEWSPAPER. I believe that these crimes are known to the local police who know these thieves as they are routinely arrested and interrogated. Come on Shenzhen show your law and order side!I am poor teacher they robbed from!I cam eas friend philosopher guide from Canada to China