Hello i am Dr.N.M. kiron principal of Bangladesh Research Institute for integrated medicine and Vice principal Dr. f.J.Akhand has invited with hotel sponsorship from hongkong international medical diveces fair on 04-06-nov.09 need our visit visa for hongkong . i am attach that hotel sponsorship here pls. comfarm us about visas.
REMARKS: Please check buyer name(s) and details. =
=nbsp; &=bsp; &n=sp; &nb=p;
Date: 22 October =009
To: =/span>Bangladesh =esearch Institute for Integrated Medicine, =/span>Bangladesh
Attn: =/span> Dr Nure Mozammel =iron / Dr Fatema Johora Akhand
Email: =yahoo.com|riim2002
Fax: =/span>
HKTDC Hong =ong International Medical Devices and Supplies Fair 2009 (4-6 =ovember)
HKD 1,800 Hotel Sponsorship - ACKNOWLEDGEMENT =ETTER
Thank you very much for =our interest in the Hotel Sponsorship Programme offered by the Hong Kong =rade Development Council (HKTDC). Please read the following =nstructions in order to enjoy this Hotel Sponsorship =ffer.
l = Your application has been approved. =our chosen Hotel will proceed to charge your credit card in order to =uarantee your room reservation.
l = 09 Nov 09 (Check-out) =ccording to the Reply Slip you sent back to us.
l = harbour-plaza.com|christinec2.
l = Each =ompany will ONLY be enti