I broke my ankle in Yunnan Province China & didn't leave the country every 30 days like i'm supposed to, so I've overstayed almost 3 months now.
I have an Xray from the hospital. When I was injured, the Dali police came & wrote a report, assuring me it's ok to overstay when injured. But i didn't get any paperwork or anything from them.
I'm now in Shanghai. I went to the PSB Friday & they told me i'd have to pay a 5000rmb fine. They refused to look at my Xray or call Dali police.
I'm American & my embassy/consul CANNOT help.
I'm unable to check into any hotel or even net cafe, due to not having a valid visa.
I'm sleeping outside, can't pay a fine, & still have trouble walking. My leg has gotten worse since i came to SH.
I wanted to take a boat to Japan Tuesday, but things look grim.
Here are some options i'm considering:
1. "Lose" my passport. Will this work? It's tattered & almost full anyway, but do they keep a separate record of my visa length, etc?
2. Try to leave the country via ship port & see what they say, tell them i need surgery in Japan.
3. Go all the way to HK or a smaller border & try to leave there. This idea is the worst, but maybe it's easier to cross by land?
I just don't want to go to jail or pay a fine.
I originally thought they'd be understanding & helpful like Dali police, but SH cops are terrible.
I'm truly in an emergency situation & don't know anyone in SH.