Aloha! I will be arriving in HK late evening and plan to fly to Beijing early the next evening. I heard that flights were cheaper from Shenzhen to Beijing than HK to Beijing. How would I go from HKIA to Shenzhen? Do I need to go thru Customs when I arrive in Shenzhen? How do I go from Shenzhen to Shenzhen Int'l Airport to fly to Beijing. Are there English speaking personnel/Tourist Information Booth in Shenzhen that would provide help? When I return from Beijing to Shenzhen, which way is faster to go to Kowloon...Metro or Ferry? How do I catch the Metro or Ferry? Also, which is the fastest and recommended way to go from HK to Macau? I looked at the Shenzhen Airport website and can't seem to find any address so I can google where it is located...can anyone help me with that?