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Asked by Ms.Christine from malaysia | Aug. 23, 2009 03:12
About:Tianjin Travel

Hi, I will be arriving on AirAsia at 7.30am at Tianjin Airport. I've read that the best way in terms of cost & time to get to Beijing is via the bullet train.
1) Which train station should I go to since there are 4 in Tianjin?
2) How should I tell the taxi driver the train station with the bullet train - "wo xiang...?"
Excuse my Chinese. It's really quite minimal.

Answers (2)
Answered by Mr.jim | Aug. 23, 2009 23:21
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Hi, please take the intercity train to beijing, the fastest. the train number starts with letter C.
You should go to tianjin railway statioin (also called tianjin east railway station) to take the train.
Tell the taxi driver: wo xiang qu tianjin huochezhan or wo xiang qu tianjin huochedongzhan.
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Answered by Mr.Lai | Aug. 27, 2009 00:15
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Some friends told me that it will be better to take bus, just at airport to Beijing. The total time spent by bus and train is almost similar as you need to waste time in awaiting the train, according to it schedule, even though it is faster
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