Asked by Mrs.paula from portugal | Aug. 22, 2009 08:33
About:Nightlife in Xian

want knon hoh is the nightpeople walking in Xian? are they dangerous?

Answers (4)
Answered by Ms.Wang | Aug. 22, 2009 20:16
I am Xian local and woud like to help you on the question, but not sure about 'kmom hoh'. What is it. please?
Answered by Mr.Jon from USA | Sep. 21, 2009 10:15
"want know how", so I think Mrs.Paula wants to know if it is dangerous walking at night.
Answered by Ms.ANDY2008 | Sep. 21, 2009 20:12
Xi'an is one of safest cities in China, but you should be careful when you walk at night. You must be sure that if there are a lot of people around and the street lights are bright , you are more likely to be safe at night in Xi'an
Answered by Mr.Peter from Austria | Jan. 16, 2010 08:26
That might be one of the best things in China: Cities and also Xian can be considered safe. You can walk out even at 2 am and it is safe, but like everywhere in the world - there is no guaranty. After spending more than 3 years in China I would say, that the safety issue in China can honestly be compared with European cities. So please don't worry to much, enjoy the nightlife and just aply the usual precautions which you are used from home.
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