Hello! I will be visiting Urumqi in July! I currently reside in China in Shandong as i am a teacher here! I Would like to say to the lady Mrs Camp that if you dont like the comforts of another country and how things are done in that country will i would suggest to you stay in your country of Ameica since it is such a perfect place! I will be in Urumqi and whether its good or bad or completely to my comforts i will ajust because in the end we are visiting another country! I have travelled to many countries around the world and i am in China now and yes things are different but we adapt to the situation we are in! I would also suggest to you that when turning up late at a airport make sure you leave early as these things happen! We are not in America or my country of Australia we are in China and if you are dissapointed in coming to a country and it doesnt live up to your expectations then i suggest you go to Didneyland in your country then us real travel people dont have to put up with whinging. I can garuntee that i know that i will love Urumqi the same as i love my girlfriend from there!