Very Urgernt Query Please.
Thanks for the previous reply
Dear Sir,
I did not get reply from any email account ( also the one advised by counsulate advisor in Beijing ) Pls advise urgently
Can the Brazilian Visa be renewed ( or a new issue ) on the same day of applying for Indian national still holding valid Brazilian visa.
Query in Detail:
Further to communication & the advice from the lady officer in counsular office in Beijing. Following is our query. We'ill appreciate if you may kindly treat this as urgent.
My colleague who is Chief Engineer in ship is reaching Qingdao on 13th or 14th of this month. They will stay in Qingdao only for a day & then shall leave for Brazilian port. His Wife's (Indian citizen) Brazilian Visa expires prior reaching Brazil. She only has a few hours to travel to Beijing/Shanghai & get the Visa renewed. I sincerely appreciate if you may pls advise the following at your earliest :
1. Can the Visa be renewed on vising the Embassy within a couple of hours the same day.
2. Do she has to personally come to Beijing/Shanghai or she can sent the passport through our Agents & they can get it done on her behalf.
3. She has her present Brazilian Visa valid at the moment. Pls advice what documents she need to carry.
4. As you must have understood there is a time factor as she has very little time to do the renewal. Is there any restraint on time or she can arrive anytime between 1000 to 1700(office hours)
Sir, kindly understand that if she do not get the Visa then she will have to leave her spouce & ship to return home.
We do not have Email nor internet onboard ship. There is only satellite phone which is expensive & used for office/emergency calls in general.
I thank you for your kind consideration & will appreciate for an early possitive reply.
Kind Regards
Capt.S. Mathur
Ph: 91 9833254842