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Asked by Ms.Elizabeth from USA | Dec. 14, 2008 11:15
About:Terracotta Army, Xian

I visited the Xian site of several of the pits with the Terra Cotta soldiers. I also bought a lovely paperback picture book about the soldiers and was fortunate to get one of the original farmers who discovered the pits, to sign my book. However, I have lost the book and am so sad, because the pictures were excellent. I bought the book in the museum store and would love to find a replacement, actually from the museum store, if at all possible.

Answers (3)
Answered by Mr.tom from U S | Dec. 17, 2008 02:31
i am not sure as of yet, but i am trying to plan a trip there before the end of feb. if i get there, if you do not already get a book i will try to pick one up for you. i live in wiconsin and will be arriving home mar. 1.
Answered by Mr.Martin from Usa | Dec. 22, 2008 03:30
Hello i am currently in Xian and i read that you have lost your book. I am wondering if you have found a replacement? I will be there tomorrow so e mail me back as soon as you can.
Answered by Mr.Steve Hurley from USA | Jan. 03, 2009 17:44
To Ms. Elizabeth, I will be going to China soon and was reading of course all I can, I stumbled across your article about your lost book, and found it wonderful to find total strangers that would pick up another book for you, ( all from USA) what a place we have.

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