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Questions & Answers on Xian Weather
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I plan to visit Xian around 19-Dec to 28-Dec, will it be snow that time??
Mar. 19, 2015 20:21 - StevenMah from Malaysia
wish to visit xian during snowing. when is the best date and month to go?
Feb. 24, 2015 19:22 - hezerina from Malaysia
what is the weather condition for today and the last 2 days in Xian?
Jan. 29, 2015 18:59 - zulfekar from Malaysia
Wheather in January in Xian?
Dec. 15, 2014 20:48 - Deepak from India
Is there natural ski ground in Xian?
Dec. 13, 2014 00:33 - Sam Tan from Malaysia
I heard from others that there is a lot smog in Xian city. Is that true? Wh...
Dec. 10, 2014 19:40 - Eric from Malaysia
Temp Dec 15 until Dec 21' 2014' in Xian. Any possibilities snow within this...
Dec. 06, 2014 23:48 - Seed yoke Lin from Malaysia
Hi there , will there be snow in Xian on the last week of January and first...
Dec. 04, 2014 19:32 - adriana from Malaysia
Hi! I am going to XiAn on 1st to 5 Dec. May I know is it snowing there?
Nov. 23, 2014 21:22 - Sophia
Looking for snowy conditions over a Christmas holiday in Xian. How much doe...
Oct. 09, 2014 04:58 - eddie chan from Malaysia
visit Xian in January
Oct. 09, 2014 04:20 - KC from Malaysia
Mid - November ? temps high or low and rainy in Xian?
Sep. 11, 2014 20:38 - LR from USA
Could there be any snowfall in December at Xian?
Sep. 05, 2014 21:55 - Choo K. S. from Malaysia
I am moving to xian in the september. Tell me the residence cost for two pe...
Jul. 18, 2014 04:39 - Opu Chowdhury from Bangladesh
Hi!..i plan to visit Xi'an during Winter on Mid-December till Early-January...
Jul. 13, 2014 04:49 - Fareed from Malaysia
Can i ask, what is the weather possibly in Feb 2015 in Xian. Is there will ...
Jun. 04, 2014 22:20 - Aja Eiryo
Hi there, I will be visiting Xi'an in July 2014, wondering if it is hotter ...
May. 14, 2014 20:33 - Alison from Australia
my son going on June-14, for studies in "NPU" Xian.
May. 03, 2014 04:28 - from Pakistan.
I am moving to Xian for my PhD studies in August 2014. what sort of clothes...
Apr. 27, 2014 04:05 - Shuja from Pakistan
To avoid peak season for visiting Xian.
Mar. 24, 2014 02:52 - Gin from Malaysiagi
Any place near xian for skiing during the winter, esp. December?
Mar. 15, 2014 22:46 - CC Lau from Malaysia
My daughter is going to xian for her school field trip on March 15 for 4 ni...
Mar. 11, 2014 10:36 - felicia sari from Indonesia
How is the weather between 12-16 Jan in Xi'an? Is there snowfall? How about...
Mar. 06, 2014 03:17 - Rieng
I will visit Xian on 28 december 2013. I read that there is no show for nov...
Dec. 15, 2013 21:24 - herry from Indonesia
advice on shoewear and suitability of wear of contact lenses in Xian
Dec. 13, 2013 11:15 - Anna from Singapore
Is it necessary to wear furred boots in Xian? Any idea if it will snow? Wil...
Nov. 24, 2013 02:09 - Jo from Singapore
How to dress for XI'AN trip around late Nov to early Dec?
Oct. 29, 2013 03:29 - Tiffany from Singapore
Xian weather in December 2013.
Aug. 26, 2013 04:36 - GG from Malaysia
When ?is best weather to travel from xian to kashgar trIp in china and how ...
Aug. 04, 2013 20:28 - Lakshman from USA
Going to XIAN on Sept 23rd for a day, what should I wear
Jul. 23, 2013 20:33 - Dianne France from USA
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