Sep. 25, 2010 20:36 - I will be staying at the Tiantan Hotel in Beijing. I would like to go to Re... 231510
Sep. 25, 2010 04:17 - Hi there i will be arriving at HKIA at 2pm and looking for fastest way to G... 231424
Sep. 25, 2010 03:04 - Can anyone help? I have a friend that would like to travel to the U.S. she ... 231373
Sep. 24, 2010 22:57 - How much is the ferry ride from the island to the northwest side of Beihai ... 231355
Sep. 24, 2010 22:55 - what is the convenient way to travel from Macau to Guangzhou, how to get to... 231344
Sep. 24, 2010 11:21 - Love this website and Q&A Forum. What's the easiest way to get from Temple... 229712
Sep. 24, 2010 09:30 - Hi, based on the Beijing map,Is it right that only airport express travels ... 231150
Sep. 24, 2010 02:44 - Assalam...
My daughter will be going to Beijing in October. Can you plea... 231246
Sep. 23, 2010 23:48 - hello,is some body can tell me what can i do in my station now how can i ge... 230925
Sep. 23, 2010 23:00 - Hi Dear
wish all best for you
pls let me know :
I am from Iran and I am... 231094
Sep. 23, 2010 22:46 - best way to get from Guanzhou airport to WuZhou 231167
Sep. 23, 2010 22:40 - This question is abt beijing food.. can someone please tell me if tuckahoe ... 231176
Sep. 23, 2010 09:25 - Can Anyone help? I am looking for Information on a company in Shenzen.They ... 230928
Sep. 23, 2010 07:01 - hello,,
I'm Michelle( Philippines), I'm planning to visit Beijing by Dec... 231059
Sep. 23, 2010 04:31 - Hi! can someone tell me how to get to the nanjing lukou airport by public t... 230703
Sep. 23, 2010 04:23 - May I know what time will subway line 2 ends every night during these Expo ... 230737
Sep. 23, 2010 04:17 - Going on my first trip to Beijing, any suggestions for best inexpensive sig... 230881
Sep. 23, 2010 04:14 - Hello
Are the McDonalds and KFC halaal in Beijing? In South Africa they ... 230953
Sep. 23, 2010 04:08 - Dear Sir,
1) May I know what is the chance of getting a seat or sleeper ... 231031
Sep. 23, 2010 04:02 - Salam,
I am going to Beijing this coming october and will be staying at 16... 231065
Sep. 23, 2010 03:55 - Hi, How do i travel from Jiu Zhou Port GongBei border? N what time does the... 231069
Sep. 23, 2010 01:26 - hi, can somone please tell me where i can get samsung flat screen tv in gun... 230794
Sep. 22, 2010 03:25 - We will fly into Beijing on 5 October. From there, we want to take the bull... 230671
Sep. 21, 2010 03:53 - hello ms.faerygirl,
i just want to asked when is that chinese holiday and ... 230483
Sep. 21, 2010 02:17 - Ms faerygirl,i just want to asked if i still need to get SSS ID,im not empl... 230415
Sep. 20, 2010 22:30 - Hi There,
I'm a british passport holder who is visiting Hong Kong in Oct... 230550
Sep. 20, 2010 22:27 - Hi, I am staying at the Yanshan Hotel in Beijing, Hai Dan District. How far... 230566
Sep. 20, 2010 22:08 -
I will be visiting in Beijing for 10 days, but would also like to visit S... 230587
Sep. 20, 2010 21:51 - Dear sir,
I'm planning to have flight from tianjin to hangzhou in Dec 2010... 230593
Sep. 20, 2010 21:47 - I have a flight from Yichang to Shanghai but the airline changed the depart... 230598