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Asked by Wayne from usa | Jan. 11, 2025 12:29
About:240-Hour Visa-Free Transit

TPE to HKG then back to TPE

US citizen. Plan the following: 1) Fly from Taipei to Hong Kong. 2) Once at HKG, take the ferry from the airport to Shekou directly, without going through the Hongkong immigration. 3) Apply for the visa-free transit at Shekou, with a Canton-to-West Kowloon high-speed train ticket purchased before-hand as proof my onward arrangements.
4) After visiting Shenzhen and Canton, will take the train from Canton to West Kowloon (Hongkong). 5) Fly from HKG back to TPE. Would this plan be considered eligible for the 240-h visa-free transit? Thanks for your help.

Answers (1)
Answered by Borut | Jan. 12, 2025 23:46
3 0 Reply
Wayne, I perfectly understand you, but your itinerary is not eligible because regardless of the fact that you will not formally enter Hong Kong, you are still considered to have arrived to Shekou from Hong Kong by the mainland Chinese immigration authorities. In other words, your intention to travel to Hong Kong after your stay in mainland China would be ineligible for 240 hour visa free transit. You are advised to insert Macau in the entire itinerary to get an undisputed third country/territory. In my opinion, your best option is to travel from Hong Kong airport to Macau and to take a ferry from Macau to Shekou. You should just take care of the ferries timetable in order that that you are able to catch the ferry to Shekou on that very day. This line is operated by TurboJet ferry company, so you can check their timetables. After you have arrived to Shekou from Macau, you can proceed with your plan as you have presented it including a train from Guangzhou to Hong Kong West Kowloon train station. I am sorry because you will have to insert Macau and I know that this represents a kind of a hassle, but trust me, this is inevitable. Have a nice journey.
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