Im just curious.
Ni hao, astronomer Chinese Feng Shui. Im Kinsley Corneleus, "Lichong" father name ( Male ). 15 May 1997 Tarus, Ox, and my partner name Allysa Adrianna, "Jong" father name ( Female ) 26 October 2001 Snake Scorpio. Im just wondering if compatibility with the woman Love. We ever meet rarely and but just friends, our distance is quite far, But on this 22 Aug 2024 im gonna meet the person of my life since its the month of love acording to the astronomer mark angel star. She ask for being in a relationship since last December. But we ended up early 1st of August this year. Im just wondering if it is worth me trying. she's the opposite zodiac signs, lot of common things, good realtionship good in bed but I never did those. Never meet but soon. Need a very good Explanation and firm strong answers curiosity, done alot of research and reading books.