Had a previous passport, now applying for new z visa
I renewed my passport my last few months in China (previously worked there 3 years(, as such the only visa in my new passport for China is the T visa I exited on. There is no residence permit in my current passport.
On the application form it asks if I've ever had a residence permit before. I worked there for 3 years, so I of course have had one. However it is in my old passport with my old passport number.
Should I add this to my Z visa form or no? It asks me for the residence permit number, I'm just worried it'll flag my application and they'll deny it because the residence permit is attached to a passport number that doesn't match the passport number of this application.
Additionally, the only visa in my new passport is a T visa, the visa you exit on. However when applying for a new z visa, when asked if had a previous visa T is not an option on the drop down menu. Does it go by another code? If not, do I just put down my last visa in my old passport? which would be my first z visa