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Asked by Luke from poland | Jan. 31, 2024 04:58
About:Visa on Arrival

Opening hours of vis

I hold a polish passport and will be entering Shenzhen airport from Bangkok at 7 am, and going to Hong Kong straight away.
I want to apply for visa on arrival. Is the border open all day and how long is the wait time to process the visa?

Answers (3)
Answered by Borut | Feb. 01, 2024 00:16
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Luke, unfortunately, there is no option of obtaining a visa on arrival at Shenzhen airport any more. You are advised to rely on 144 hour visa free transit for that purpose. In other words, in order to be allowed to proceed to Hong Kong visa free you will have to do the following:

- You will have to buy your ferry ticket from Shekou port in Shenzhen for Hong Kong through CKS - Chu Kong Passenger Transport website, but this ferry has to have a departure at least a minute longer than 24 hours after your plane scheduled arrival in Shenzhen. Like this, you become eligible for 144 hour visa free transit.
- You will print out your ferry ticket and you will take that printout with you because you will have to present it at check-in in Bangkok and also upon your landing in Shenzhen.
- You will have to take exactly that ferry you have bought your ticket for.

I understand that this almost certainly complicates your travel plans, but I am just informing you about the reality as far as the visa/visa free/visa on arrival situation is concerned. So, not you can proceed in the way I have explained or you can alter your travel plans or obtain a Chinese visa in advance.
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Answered by Luke | Feb. 01, 2024 04:06
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Thank you.
We do not want to stay in Shenzhen more than few hours as we want to go to Hong Kong.
in order to get 144 visa-free entry I need to stay longer than 24h in Shenzhen?

Is there not also 24h transit visa-free transit?

Thank you for the help
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Answered by Borut | Feb. 02, 2024 00:10
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Yes, there is 24 hour visa free transit, but under this option you are not allowed to take an overland or ferry crossing to Hong Kong. You have to fulfill the criteria for 144 hour visa free transit in order to be allowed to do that.

Under 24 hour visa free transit you can arrive in Shenzhen, take a train to Guangzhou and fly from Guangzhou to Hong Kong, however, you cannot take a ferry from Shenzhen to Hong Kong. This options is reserved for 144 hour visa free transit.

I perfectly understand what your plans are, but they cannot be done in that way. If you want to proceed in the way as you have planned, I would suggest you to obtain a Chinese transit visa (G) in advance where you will present to the China visa center your flight ticket to Shenzhen and a ferry ticket to Hong Kong. Having a transit visa obtained in advance will allow you to perform your plan in the exact way as you have planned. I'm sorry for bringing you an information for such a complicated solutions, but this is currently the only way.

Luke, I could tell you to buy a ferry ticket and to proceed like this under 24 hour visa free transit, but I am afraid that you will not be allowed to board the Shenzhen bound plane in the first place. Shenzhen immigration authorities are less problematic because when you have already reached China, what to do with you? They would almost certainly allow you to proceed to Hong Kong, but there is a huge risk that you will not be allowed to board the plane in the country from where you plan to depart to Shenzhen. I hope you understand me.
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