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Asked by Alex from uk | Nov. 22, 2023 05:36
About:72-Hour Visa-Free Transit

Potential 72 Hours in Beijing

Hello! I have read this (very helpful!) article and just want to triple check that Hong Kong is an option as I'm weighing all options.

My plan is to travel to travel as follows:

Japan (Tokyo or Osaka) > Beijing 72 hours > Vietnam

It may be that in order to reach my destination in Vietnam I need to travel to Hong Kong first (due to airline points I'd like to redeem). If that's the case, it would be:

Japan (Tokyo or Osaka) > Beijing 72 hours > Hong Kong > Vietnam

Are both of these options possible?

Thank you!

Answers (1)
Answered by Borut | Nov. 22, 2023 23:50
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Yes, both itineraries are perfectly eligible for 144 hour visa free transit. Hong Kong as well as Taiwan and Macau, although not countries, but Chinese territories, have separate immigration policies and therefore they are considered as third regions for 144 hour visa free transit purposes.

As you can see, it is 144 and not 72 because 144 has replaced 72 in Beijing area years ago.
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