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Asked by Valentin Ioan Vale from romania | Oct. 09, 2023 13:01
About:72-Hour Visa-Free Transit

Clarification for 144 transit exception free visa - Romania passport holder


I am a Romanian passport holder, living in Romania, planning the following route:

Flight 1 - Romania - Istanbul (Turkiye) where we will have a 13 hours stopover.
Flight 2 - Istanbul - Guangzhou
Flight 3 - Guangzhou - Honk Kong (via airplane) leaving Guangdong province before the end of the 144 hours permitted period.

My questions are:
1. I suppose that the 53 countries list is about the passport's country and not about the country your are flying from when you are planning to visit China. I mean if I hold a Romanian passport, I can fly to China from any country in the world, with a stopover (transit) in any country in the world.
Is this correct ?

2. Health Declaration Form - can we complete this document when we'll land in Guangzhou ?

Thank you,
Good thoughts from Romania :) !
Valentin-Ioan Vale

Answers (3)
Answered by Borut | Oct. 10, 2023 00:43
0 0 Reply
You are correct when you say that it is not relevant from where you are flying from, but only your citizenship and your itinerary. So, as a Romanian you can arrive in China from any country and depart from China to any country or territory like Hong Kong as you have mentioned in your itinerary. To summarize, your itinerary is perfectly fine for 144 hour visa free transit and you are allowed to travel and explore the entire Guangdong province. Please, just have in mind that you will have to have a ticket for your Guangzhou to Hong Kong flight in your hands even before you depart from Istanbul.

As far as the health declaration form is concerned, it is still, at least formally, compulsory that it should be filled out before the entry to China. I do not rule out that it could be possible to complete it also after the landing, but I suggest you to do that before you land in Guangzhou.
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Answered by Valentin Ioan Vale | Oct. 10, 2023 03:47
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Thank you very much for your quick and complete answer.

Basically, within this 144-hour visa, it is most clear to understand that the People's Republic of China is considered Country no. 2 - country of transit.

Country 1 = Country from which you enter China (basically the country from where you take the flight that will land in China). If you have one stopover / layover or even several layovers, between the point where you start your journey and the point where the direct flight to China will take off, this last direct flight that lands in China is taken into account.

Country 2 = People's Republic of China

Country 3 = Country where you depart from People's Republic of China (country to which you fly from People's Republic of China within the allowed 144 hours, and which must be different from Country 1 detailed above).

Am I right ?
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Answered by Maria | Oct. 10, 2023 18:38
0 0 Reply
Yes, your understanding is completely right.
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