Clarification for 144 transit exception free visa - Romania passport holder
I am a Romanian passport holder, living in Romania, planning the following route:
Flight 1 - Romania - Istanbul (Turkiye) where we will have a 13 hours stopover.
Flight 2 - Istanbul - Guangzhou
Flight 3 - Guangzhou - Honk Kong (via airplane) leaving Guangdong province before the end of the 144 hours permitted period.
My questions are:
1. I suppose that the 53 countries list is about the passport's country and not about the country your are flying from when you are planning to visit China. I mean if I hold a Romanian passport, I can fly to China from any country in the world, with a stopover (transit) in any country in the world.
Is this correct ?
2. Health Declaration Form - can we complete this document when we'll land in Guangzhou ?
Thank you,
Good thoughts from Romania :) !
Valentin-Ioan Vale