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Asked by AKATRAVELER | Sep. 12, 2023 01:31
About:Exhibition of Decorations and Artwork

X1 Multi Entry Leaving and Re-entering before 30 Days


I want to confirm the implications of a multi-entry X1 Visa. As you all know X1 visa must be replaced by a residence permit within 30 days of arrival.

However due to some complications, I may not be able to do this in time. Since I have a X1 multi-entry, can I leave the country first, come back, to restart these thirty days? Meaning if I leave, will my 30 days start over, from the next time I enter China (based on the stamp given).


Answers (4)
Answered by Kevin | Sep. 12, 2023 22:37
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Yes, the 30 days start over when you leave China and re-enter. But I'm not clear if you can apply for the residence permit on the second entry; you'd better consult local entry and exit bureau for the answer.
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Answered by Akatraveler | Sep. 13, 2023 07:17
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I went to the local entry/exit bureau today. They confirmed that the multi-entry can be used. Did not ask if I could get a residence permit on the second entry so I will go ask tomorrow. It would be unusual if you couldn't on the second time, but will go there to make sure.
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Answered by AKATRAVELER | Sep. 14, 2023 22:06
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They confirmed that there is no problem with applying for the residence permit the second time around.
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Answered by Kevin | Sep. 14, 2023 22:46
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Thank you for your feedback, Akatraveler. This will must be helpful for other people in the similiar situation witrh you. Thank you again:(
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