Answered by James
Jul. 26, 2023 20:17
Applicants who are planning their first trip to China need to submit: a) an Invitation Letter (TE) or Verification Letter of Invitation from China; b) and a travel itinerary.
Invitation Letter(TE) or Verification Letter of Invitation should be obtained through the inviting party in China.
※Invitation Letter(TE) or Verification Letter of Invitation can be exempted if the following supporting documents, along with an invitation letter from the inviting party or a trading partner in China, are submitted:
a) Bank statement (account balance not less than 1 million Kenyan shillings, of 6 months at least) notarized by a Kenyan notary public; and
b) Police clearance certificate certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kenya; and
c) Tax clearance/tax compliance certificate OR employment proof(e.g. an employment certificate or a reference letter by an legal business representative) OR membership certificate of a business/industry association.
The Tax clearance/tax compliance certificate must be certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kenya. The employment proof or membership certificate of a business/industry association must be notarized by a Kenyan notary public.