Answered by Linda
Dec. 30, 2022 15:33
You are a nearly 30 year old woman. If you want to get married and have children, you don’t have time to waste on chasing after a man who isn’t very interested. If you dated for more than a couple months and he didn’t propose, you should have already moved on. There is a high chance you will not ever have children if you are not married before 35. At your age, you need to start working hard to find a man. Men pursue women until the women are around 26, then, after that age, the women need to put in the effort to pursue the men or else they will not find marriage. Too many women waste their years between 20-26 and then have a hard time getting married later in life. It’s not too late for you but you have already lost the years that would have been easiest for you. You will probably need to start rapidly lowering your expectations because most desirable men who will still seek you are single by choice and will just use you and throw you away like they’ve made a habit of doing to other women all of their life. At your age, the men left single are either an unattractive but good man or an attractive but bad man. A bad man might act like he will marry you, but it’s probably a lie if he is older than 35 and has been telling women that lie for his entire life.