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Asked by Angela from canada | Oct. 18, 2022 19:03
About:1985 Chinese Zodiac - Wood Ox

Plz help to predict my career

I’m female Wood Ox, born on Oct 21,1985.
I’m jobless for 2 months and struggling so much to find a job. I can’t even get a simple part time job and quite depressed with that. I felt hopeless day to day and don’t even want to apply anymore. I don’t know what is wrong with the star this year.

Answers (11)
Answered by Kau chan | Nov. 01, 2022 04:36
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do you have any hobby ? maybe this help to create your own business !
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Answered by Stephanie | Nov. 05, 2022 18:43
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Same here, looking for a job since May and no outcome yet. I have many business ideas and I am in the process of creating one. Woud you like to connect and create something perhaps?
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Answered by Leo | Jan. 12, 2023 19:39
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nothing wrong with the “star” this year, you need to apply yourself more friend
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Answered by Trevor | Jan. 17, 2023 13:48
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It is many things. Focus on what you can control like your actions (diet, indulgences and money management) You are very intelligent and very emotionally aware. You are there for so many. Make this the year you focus on you. The job market is volatile so that is not our fault. Things will take a little longer than expected to align with work but once it does you will be happy and less stressed. Stress and idle time here and there can create a worried mind. Much love.
Stay Busy/Focus on you A LOT/Eat Healthy and Move around more than you move around typically.
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Answered by Cammydawn | Jan. 18, 2023 15:03
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I am unable to work due to cronical pain from my hip join. After having 2 kids, it getting worse each time I try to sit for more than 20 minutes, or clean up for an hour. It is difficult for me to get daily life activities done in one day. I literally lay on bed more than try to cook clean and teach the kids in one day. I have to do it one or two each day then have to rest and do it the clean-up next day, or somete two or three day clean up. Especially, their toys, swim up dust or my hair in the corner of the rooms... is tiresome, and I been trying to do stretching, yoga for my muscles to loosen up, but it hurts afterwards... I can't go see doctor, due to no have transportation, and no one to watch my kids in the morning from 9 to 12pm. Is complicated to talk to my families and relatives because they don't understand my life nor trying to understand my situation.
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Answered by Veronicha | Jan. 18, 2023 22:23
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I'm female Wood OX as well. I was jobless and struggling for 2 years to find a job and finally got a decent job now after many interviews.
Please don't give up and be positive. You will land in a good job soon.
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Answered by James | Jan. 22, 2023 12:40
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Please Don't let people claiming to know things influence your life work hard and apply yourself everyday. Zodiac knowledge is for fun and is the opinion of human beings just like yourself. Honestly putting in effort to your life goes way further then every reading this stuff.
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Answered by Maysi | Jan. 22, 2023 15:58
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You should concentrate on you and love yourself first. You will see everything you want will come to you, never chase something, be the best and let everything come to you 🙏
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Answered by Gareth | Jun. 01, 2023 03:02
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Hi Angela,

I hope you have gained some insight, I and many others appear to be experiencing the same as you describe.
2022 was the most turbulent year I have lived, in an astrological sense many things have also been expressed [node return, Uranus conjunct node] that I relate to the things I observed around me.

For me, I learnt to follow my intuition and to not force old habits like relying on a job for income, it can be extremely unsettling but it is a test of faith in self and an opportunity to grow and progress.
For most it seems they have no choice but to walk this path, applying for jobs appears to be a road to nowhere with no response ... despite having a successful career for 18 years with no problem in finding work prior to 2022.

I could check your astrology chart for you, but I am certain at least the nodal return will have had significant effect, just think back 18 years ago to what was happening.
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Answered by Aj | Jun. 04, 2023 16:40
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Am female ox wood I lost my job.ive hunted for a job for 2yrs to no avail.
Doing my own business but not flourishing.
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Answered by Colleen | Dec. 08, 2023 20:52
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Ive suffered with chronic pain for most of my life including hip pain. I just want to suggest you look into fascia and releasing it in your body
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