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Asked by nking from united states | Feb. 09, 2022 11:02
About:Dog Horoscope - 2025 Fortune

When I read about my health it mentions digestive problems. I hope that it is not bad.

I do have a problem with eating when emotionally upset or anxious or bored. I tend to gravitate towards sugar or carbohydrates. I am trying to figure out how to stop this type of behavior and I have recently been having a lot of bloating and gas issues. I do try to eat a healthy diet but don't always eat 3 meals a day. I would love to find a way to stop craving sweets/carbs when I feel depressed or bored or anxious. I was born 1958 and under the dog symbol. Thank you.

Answers (4)
Answered by Carolyn | Feb. 12, 2022 03:30
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Hi. I'm also the year of the Dog & I've had similar situations, like yourself. I suggest before reaching for something sweet/carbs, have a glass of water. Ask yourself, do I really want that sugar/carb? And if you find the answer is yes, try buying low/no sugar things that still taste good & low carb items. Try to do something you enjoy, when you're bored, have anxiety, or depressed. Remove things/people that are negative. They could be contributing to your anxiety or depression. I'm not consistent with 3 meals a day, either, or exercising. But I'm trying. Eat when you're hungry. If you find yourself standing in front of the fridge with the door open & you're just staring at what's inside, you are not hungry, just bored. Close the door, take a breath, drink a cup of water, and go do something you enjoy. Dance, read, watch movie you love...just do an activity that gives you joy. You'll get past the boredom soon. Gas and bloating seems to be very common for us dogs. So, water helps because it helps to release bloating. Definitely stay away from salty foods/snacks! The salt contributes to bloating! Good luck, my dear! We are a process in motion and we shall overcome any obstacles!!
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Answered by Craig | Jun. 11, 2022 21:30
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Go keto! I am a 1958 dog, and had a horrible propensity for carbs and sweets when depressed. Keto saved me from a downward spiral of ill-health. I have lost 35 lbs. and am no longer on insulin for diabetes. If you can do it, it is definitely worth it.
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Answered by Maggy Rivera | Nov. 12, 2022 13:26
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I have so many health issues, especially with my digestive system I have Gerd I am gaining so much weight I don’t eat right I don’t drink water keto for what I’ve heard does so many good things for you. I just don’t know how to do keto my niece lost so much weight I wish somebody would sell meals already prepared
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Answered by Sylvia | May. 03, 2023 09:21
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Hi, I am also a Water Dog just turned 40 and I did notice my health suddenly deteriorate when I was pretty much healthy for the most part of my adult life. I was active fair shape would work out but I was getting so tired. I did not know what was happening to my body and I thought I was going through pre-menopause. I found out I was pre-diabetic due to the 30 pounds I gained in 1 year, and I was extremely low on vitamin D causing my health do go down. I am currently on medication for the vitamin. Let me tell you I feel so much better. Go to your doctor and have them run your vitamin D level.
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