Answered by SunBlossom12
Feb. 24, 2021 05:56
I’m a Fire Dragon, (Aries) and he is Fire Horse (Cancer). He tries to dominate or I think bully and I don’t tolerate that behaviour. Yes every so often we do argue & fall out but we quickly make up because I stay level headed and states it as it is. If he’s at fault or myself I don’t point it out. As two adults it’s best to communicate & work things out. Be more diplomatic in your approach. It’s not about who’s right or who wins. In fighting both are sadly losers because it’s negative energy. Always keep your healthy boundaries but compromise around areas that you can adjust. We love each other very much and this keeps us together. We help each other grow and we talk through anything that bothers us, without nit-picking at ridiculous trivial things, life is too short.