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Asked by ROC passport holder from Spain | Dec. 23, 2019 03:48
About:24-Hour Visa-Free Transit

ROC passenger traveling 6 days with no compatriot pass or visa

Dear Sirs,
Is a Taiwanese passport holder able to travel to Shangai from Spain without the compatriot pass or permit and apply for it at Shangai airport? Can this passenger subject to 144 hours free of visa?
Thanks so much in advance for your help

Answers (1)
Answered by John Doe | Dec. 23, 2019 09:45
There are no visa-free transit options available for Taiwanese passport holders. You must apply for a Taiwan Compatriot Permit on arrival to to continue traveling. Don't forget your ROC ID card. The fee is 50 CNY plus whatever they charge for a photo.

The permit is valid for 3 months but you can apply for a 5-year permit at one of the Exit and Entry Administration offices with a registration confirmation issued either by the hotel or the local police station. Like all other foreigners (despite not being considered as such) you need to register yourself at a police station within 24 hours of arrival if not staying at a hotel.

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