Answered by ZUPAN
Nov. 02, 2019 12:39
ML, the rule for visa free transit in China is relatively simple and your two consecutive stops in China makes you eligible only for 24 hour visa free transit. In other words, you have to accomplish your itinerary, starting from your scheduled arrival in Guangzhou, until your scheduled departure from Beijing. To be more specific... If you take CZ3064 from Siem Reap to Guangzhou, you will land in Guangzhou or at 21:35 (9:35pm) or 22:05 (10:05pm). Your 24 hour visa free transit time begins exactly at that moment. So, your flight from Beijing to Detroit, US has to depart before 21:35 (9:35pm) or 22:05 (10:05pm).
Assuming that you will take DL188 from Beijing to Detroit the next day, it will be fine because this flight departs at 19:00 (7:00pm).
To conclude... You are allowed to take CZ3064 to Guangzhou where you will approach 24 hour visa free transit counter and apply for a temporary entry permit because your next flight to Beijing will be a domestic one. After your permit is granted, you will go to your hotel to have a decent sleep and after that you will take a flight from Guangzhou to Beijing and soon after that from Beijing to Detroit.
In other words, you will have to take a flight from Siem Reap on 12/28 because having two consecutive stops within mainland China, means that you will be allowed to stay in China visa free for 24 hours. Please, print out your flight tickets and have those printouts with you. Also, you will declare at check-in in Siem Reap that you will travel to US via China using 24 hour visa free transit.
There is one more detail... Since your flight tickets will be separated, you should have in mind to allow enough time for collecting of your luggage and performing a recheck after that.