Using Agents
We are trying to get a tourist visa only for my wife (Russian - Kazakh) me = British.
Agents have really messed things up for us, so be careful out there. Anyone recommend a really good one? Our first application didnt even get us in the door. My wifes criminal background check was 9 weeks old, the security on the door of the embassy said it must be 4 weeks old only.
Now - after missing our interview because of this we have to wait (we are told) one month before we apply again. Is this true?
Second - our agent when doing our new application form has missed out the 'N' of my wifes passport number. Example the passport number is : N377399940 instead the agent has written 377399940
We have told her to cancel the appointment (causing a new delay) she insists that this small error does not matter.
Surely not true.
Can anyone confirm.
PS: Becareful with agents, they can be REALLY useful. but use a well known one and hopefully you can avoid the 2 month delay we are facing. thanks