Travel to IEC Conference (International Electrotechnical Commission) & Return trip to South Korea
My planned itinerary would probably be
1) London to Shanghai (4 days in China) for IEC Technical Standards Conference;
2) Shanghai to Seoul (5 days in S Korea) for other Business Meetings;
3) Seoul to Shanghai (in transit) to London (almost certainly transit ; do not envisage needing to leave airport in Shanghai ; but it will be different airlines)
I don’t need to return to Shanghai (from Seoul) for any reason other than to get the best travel cost as this would appear to be the cheapest way to travel : i.e. London to Shanghai with a BA return and a local airline flight return Shanghai <> Seoul.
Could you advise what the Visa requirements for China would be – Would this be a single or dual entry and what type, M or F?
I am full UK citizen, born in UK, living in UK etc