Asked by Nataly lopez from united states | Nov. 29, 2018 01:37
About:Culture of Silk Road
Why was the silk road so important on development of the region's, nations, and continents?
Answers (3)
Answered by Anka
Nov. 29, 2018 18:22
Because it was a main road to connect the eastern countries and western countries in business, culture and religions. Without the silk road, the communication of the east and west countries would be very difficult and the time maybe put off a lot.
Answered by Megan
May. 20, 2020 07:08
The Silk Road helped to spread ideas, culture, inventions, and products to travel across a lot of the known world.
Answered by BEARN
Apr. 16, 2020 00:58
The Silk road is important because it connects China and Rome and without the silk road it is hard for the eastern and western countries to travel