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Asked by Michelle from USA | Sep. 25, 2018 11:23
About:144-Hour Visa-Free Transit

Separate Itineraries

I just read an article saying that in order to qualify as a transit passenger, your flights need to be booked on one itinerary. So if I booked my flight to china first, then I booked a separate flight from china to the third country through a different airline, will I not qualify for visa free entry?

Answers (1)
Answered by Paul from USA | Sep. 26, 2018 03:02
Yes you can have separate tickets. That article is full of so much misinformation its not even funny. A few of us who know full well that separate tickets are allowed tried to get them to realize their mistake but they refuse to update the article. I would avoid using Emirates though as that link is not the first or last time Emirates has improperly denied boarding based on their misinterpretation of a transit. I know it was Jetblue that refused to transport but it was based on information provided to them by Emirates.

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