Asked by Alice Chow from Australia | Mar. 10, 2018 04:29
About:China Visa

China Tourist Visa - Beijing 144 Hours Free transit and Do I need a Transit G in Guangzhou

I hold an Australian passport and plan to visit Europe and China as a tourist in August 2018 flying China Southern all the way.

I plan to visit Eurpore first and on my round trip home I plan to stop over in Beijing. The return plan is to fly from Frankfurt to visit Beijing. Can I apply for the 144 hours free in Beijing? After visiting Beijing I will be flying China Southern back home to Melbourne. From Beijing, the China Southern Airline plane will transit Guangzhou where I need to change over to another plane (about 3 hours at the airport ) to fly back to Melbourne. Do I need a free transit G in Guangzhou for the 3 hours at the airport? Thank you in anticipation of your advice.



Answers (3)
Answered by Randy from Hungary | Mar. 11, 2018 22:25
You cannot apply for the 144 hours free transit in Beijing for the trip Frankfurt-Beijing-Guangzhou-Melbourne. Try to apply for a visa beforehand.
Answered by Alice Chow from Australia | Mar. 12, 2018 01:24
Do l need a single entry visa or a multiple entry for Frankfurt to Beijing (stop over) and then on my way home transit Guangzhou (to change plane) to Melbourne. Thanks for advising.

Answered by Randy | Mar. 12, 2018 04:55
If you will travel like Frankfurt-Beijing-Guangzhou-Melbourne, a single entry visa will be fine.
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